The Hunger Project Sweden


Since the first start Flowfactory has worked closely together with The Hunger Project Sweden.

The Hunger Project programs throughout Africa, South Asia and Latin America are based on an innovative, holistic approach, which empowers women and men living in rural villages to become the agents of their own development and make sustainable progress in overcoming hunger and poverty.

In addition to donation Flowfactory has built in monetary support to The Hunger Project in the partner program.

You can read more about how that works here

The Hunger Project Sweden The Hunger Project Sweden

In India, The Hunger Project is working to empower women selected in the local council.
In 2019, 10 million people were reached by our work in the country.

Visit The Hunger Project Sweden and learn more

The Hunger Project Sweden The Hunger Project Sweden

At the epicenter there is a food bank where raw materials can be stored to meet future needs. The farmer Emilienne Montchohodi in Benin was able to start a company where she sells peanuts through loans at the epicenter's microfinance bank. Five years after the loan was taken, she has 3 employees.

Visit The Hunger Project Global and learn more