Release notes

Release Date: 11 Dec 2019


Upgrade to Angular 8

We have now moved the web client to use Angular 8 as client side library. With this move we open up more possibilities for us to further optimize the web client for more responsiveness and better performance.


Don’t cache custom theme files

Virtual entities opens up use cases where you can handle data that is not persisted to storage. When you retrieve data from an external source or assemble data from several different entities in your application it can be presented as one single entity. This will be of great advantage for many different application types.


Get login prompt when you click invite link for application

By using a single application definition you can publish it as separate instances that can use their own local settings for display of texts and numeric formats.



  • Import from Excel file skipped the first row during read.

  • Controls bound to entity child property where incorrectly updated.

  • Ribbon buttons had an extra background color.

  • Large ribbon buttons in web client where blurry for platform commands (such as save).

  • Checkbox control displayed as toggle where incorrectly aligned.